

Key Responsibilities:

To develop and sustain tight budgetary control throughout all departments. Book keeping of all income & expenditure. To keep accounts and to liaise with our auditors and accountants. Dealing with banks. Dealing with our charitable status

Box Office

Key Responsibilities

To develop a team of volunteers to carry out box office duties during the week of the Newport Playgoers Society. To ensure that all relevant paper work and reporting is carried out and forwarded to the Society Treasurer. To ensure that all monies are banked

Membership Secretary

Key responsibilities:

To actively promote our subscription packages to the general public. To distribute membership cards to all existing & new members. To ensure that all records are kept up to date and that all monies are banked. To develop a team of Buddies who help new members become integrated within the society.

Sponsorship & Fund-raising.

Key responsibilities:

To actively resource possible business contacts who would be corporate sponsors. To think of new initiatives for fundraising

Coming Soon